WAAC President Maggie Broda attended 68th Annual Art Exhibition by Estonian Artists in Toronto


From WAAC Member Elva Palo & Maria Antoniv


The Society of Estonian Artists in Toronto (EKKT) was delighted to have WAAC president Maggie Broda attend our 68th Annual Art Exhibition at the Latvian Canadian Cultural Centre in Toronto on September 30th, 2023. Equally exciting was having WAAC member Maria Antoniv as a guest artist with EKKT. Pictured in the photo by Maria’s painting is from left Maggie Broda, Maria Antoniv, and Elva Palo (President of EKKT and member of WAAC). Our two EKKT 68th Annual Art Exhibitions “Messages of Balance” and Baltic Unity” can be seen virtually until January 1st, 2024 at: www.estonianartiststoronto.com.

We were also fortunate enough to have two works exhibited by the previous Artist-in-Residence Amber Smith-Quail.