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Indigenous Artist Amber Quail


The WAAC Arts Committee is pleased to announce two upcoming events for WAAC members. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn from Amber Quail about traditional and contemporary First Nations art and to participate in her unique bead-loom workshop.


These events will be held in the Dignam Gallery.
Register soon as space is limited.
To register contact Ximena@womensartofcanada.ca


Storytelling: Making Connections with First Nations Art
March 2, 1-3 p.m.

In Ojibwe culture, winter is a time for storytelling. Amber invites you to attend a gathering where we will view
and discuss a selection of traditional and contemporary art works created by First Nations artists. Light refreshments will be provided. Space is limited to 12 participants.


Mazinaabidoo’an (bead it on a loom): An Investigation of Treaty Agreements
April 14, 1-4 p.m.

Amber invites you to attend a treaty and bead-loom workshop. What makes a promise a promise? We will engage in a discussion about treaties: What is a treaty and who is a treaty for? Is the land we currently reside on connected to an active treaty? We will apply those learnings to the design and creation of our own beaded agreement. A small materials fee applies. Space is limited to participants.


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